FAQs and Info

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes AGO different from other fraternities?

A: Alpha Gamma Omega is different than the stereotypical fraternity. Instead of focusing on alcohol or partying, members of AGO focus on developing their relationships with the Lord and fellowshipping with each other. Men of AGO turn the focus of their lives away from themselves and toward God.

Q: What do you guys do?

A: Each chapter holds fun, alcohol free events about three times a month. Often times, the events are just for fun, and other times they are focused on serving the local community. One chapter dressed up in suits and invited the sister sorority to a formal dinner at the nearby In-N-Out, complete with tablecloths and candles. For a service project, another chapter packed non-perishable foods for the organization ‘Feed my Starving Children.’ As a Christ-centered organization, we strive to keep Him the focus of our programs.

Q: What’s a chapter?

A: A chapter refers to the body of AGO at a given school, with a Greek letter designation. For example, ‘men of Alpha Gamma Omega’ describes all of the men of AGO. However, the ‘Kappa chapter of Alpha Gamma Omega’ describes the men of AGO here in San Luis Obispo, CA.

Q: How much does it cost to be a member?

A: Alpha Gamma Omega is one of the greatest bargains at any college. Chapter dues vary between chapters from about $50-$100 monthly. Kappa’s dues are $65. National dues are $250 annually. Chapter dues vary because each chapter manages its own budget and has varying expenses. Chapters may use their dues as they see fit, but most chapters designate a percentage for outreach, events, improving the house, and savings. National dues pay for our insurance, national events, and other maintenance fees.

Q: Where do AGO brothers live?

A: “How delightfully good; When brothers live together in harmony!” Psalms 133:1. Choosing to live in a community with brothers is a blessing from the Lord. There is no greater way to find deep and enriching accountability on the daily. Additionally, the house is the meeting place for chapter meetings, adding in the benefit of convenience. Living in the chapter house is certainly the best option for the vast majority of AGO brothers. Although the chapter house may be the best housing option, it is certainly not the only one. AGO does not by any means require its members to live in the chapter house. Pledges are not expected to live in the house, as many have already committed to living on campus. The Kappa chapter house is located at 1574 Fredericks St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405.

Q: What is AGO’s policy on alcohol?

A: Alpha Gamma Omega is ever vigilant to remain Christ-centered. Many Greek organizations found their beginnings as a Christian group, then have slipped away as alcohol and other compromises divided them. For this reason, Alpha Gamma Omega does not tolerate alcohol in the chapter house or at fraternity events. AGO respects the right of the members of legal age to drink, but asks that they adhere to fraternity policy while doing so.

Q: How do AGO brothers fellowship?

A: In addition to attending church, Bible studies, and worship nights together, AGO puts a deep emphasis on interpersonal accountability.  It is not only encouraged, but expected of members to have intentional and intimate conversations with other brothers about their lives. This intimate relationship opens the door for greater spiritual growth and development than ever imagined. For example, the Kappa chapter created a support group in 2019 for pornography and masturbation that has led several of the members to freedom from these addictions.

Anti-Hazing Policy

We realize that any form of hazing is contrary to the example that Christ set for us, and demoralizing to our brothers.

In an attempt to more clearly define hazing, the fraternity adopted “The Seven Points of Hazing.” Although the majority of AGO brothers would never even imagine engaging in any of these activities, the list exists as a reminder:

The Seven Points of Hazing

Individuals and/or collegiate chapters are prohibited from participation in the following, with or without the participants’ permission:

  1. Paddling or striking the body of a pledge with any object in order to cause pain or discomfort
  2. Applying to the body any foreign chemical, food, or substance (i.e. oil, honey, ice water, dirt, or anything similar in appearance or make‐up)
  3. The intake into the body of any unusual substances (anything which is not of their normal food diet, prepared as they would normally consume it, or in excessive quantities)
  4. Excessive exercise
  5. Any practice which produces excessive mental anguish
  6. Blindfolding or impairment of their normal vision, or restricting bodily movement, including: binding, taping, or in any way tying the individual
  7. Any action which would have a potential of bodily injury or death (Any question as to the acceptability of any activity should be referred to your collegiate chapter advisor.)

These are guidelines, not an exhaustive list! If in doubt, don’t do it.

The national council of Alpha Gamma Omega does not tolerate hazing of any kind from the chapters, and will immediately suspend the individual or chapter responsible for hazing of any kind.