About Alpha Gamma Omega


Alpha Gamma Omega was founded in order to spread a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christian young men, we subscribe to a common statement of faith:

“I hereby publicly confess my belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as God and only Savior and give witness to the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I will make it a purpose of my life to continue in fellowship with God through prayer and the reading of the Holy Scriptures.”

Our Fraternity Verse – II Timothy 2:15

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Here we receive the apostle Paul’s advice on gaining the approval of God. Paul was writing of the Gospel of a crucified and risen Lord. Our verse tells us to concentrate fervently on living and spreading the Gospel of Christ, so that we can stand before Him unashamed, having our works approved by Him.

Our Motto:

“Fraternity for Eternity”

As men who put our faith in Christ Jesus, we believe that our fellowship is not broken by death. Rather, we are confident that we will worship the Lord together in His presence in the life to come!

Joining Alpha Gamma Omega

The introduction to the brotherhood is called Rush, and is a series of events that we put on at the beginning of the fall and end of the winter quarters. It is a chance to hang out with the brothers, enjoy some food and games, and get a feel for what AGO life might be like. Rush is always free, and it is not a commitment. For more info on joining Alpha Gamma Omega, click on the ‘how to join’ tab at the top of the page.

Our Early Beginnings

During the school year of 1926-27, three students at the University of California, Los Angeles met during lunch for prayer and fellowship. E. Harlan Fischer, Frank Young, and James Carter looked forward to the establishment of a Christian Club on campus, and so Fischer sent letters out to 35 students over the Christmas break. A dinner meeting was held for these young men at the Green Dragon Cafe on January 7, 1927, and 16 gathered there to discuss their possibilities.

Those present at the café felt that a fraternity, founded on Christian ideals and fellowship, would be more reputable than a Christian Club, so E. Harlan Fischer appointed a committee to draw up a Constitution. This Constitution was submitted and accepted at the first official meeting of the Fraternity on February 15, 1927, and 12 men signed as charter members.

The obvious name for the Fraternity to these men was Alpha Omega, though it was discovered that such a fraternity already existed. Bailey Oswald suggested the insertion of Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet, representing Christ, who is the center of the Alpha Gamma Omega fraternity.

In a 1944 letter to the Alpha Chapter (UCLA), founder E. Harlan Fischer wrote, “the primary purpose of AGO was to provide Christian fellowship for born again men thrown into an atmosphere of Godlessness and to give forth a testimony to others of the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

To that end, nearly 100 years later, the Fraternity is still committed to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. May we never be compromised.

Read more about Kappa’s affiliation with the University.